Sunday 1 April 2012

Technical Execution - The Hands

The Hands

1. First, I created a new canvas (16x20 inches, 300dpi), transferred my sketch, using a move tool into the canvas. I did some clean up on my sketch also.

2. I used Brush Tool to color the parts of my hand with different colors and tone.

3. I overlaid the layer of texture of skin that i chose for my hand so that it became more realistic. 

4. I also used Brush Tool to color some of the part in order to make some shadow.

5. I used brush tool to color my arm and wrist part with Brush Tool, I also used Splatter 14 Brush to make some freckles and unbalance skin color.

7. Then, i applied the same technique by using Brush Tool to color up the background of my artwork with black and purple color.

6. Polygonal Lasso Tool was used to draw the shapes that u want to color, then clicked on the Gradient Tool then Angle Gradient was chose to produce different shapes for the land on the earth. 

7. I also hide the other layes and i used Blur Tool to blur the land are so that it is not that shape. 

8. I unhided all my layes then I selected a texture that i want to apply to my artwork. I soft laid it with the opacity of 25%,

9. Here is my final artwork

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